Thursday 27 September 2012

Words War

A brief glance of speeches delivered by the Presidents at UNGS (United Nation General Assembly)

President Zardari Pakistan

Before I take up my speech, I want to express the strongest condemnation for the acts of incitement of hate against the faith of billions of Muslims of the world and our beloved prophet, Mohammad (peace be upon him).The international community must not become silent observers and should criminalize such acts that destroy the peace of the world and endanger world security by misusing freedom of expression.

President Ahmadinejad Iran
Arms race and intimidation by nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction by the hegemonic powers have become prevalent.

Continued threats by the uncivilized Zionists to resort to 
military action against our great nation are a clear example of this bitter reality

"Creation of worthless paper assets by using influence and control over the world's economic centers constitutes the greatest abuse of history, and is considered a major contributor to global economic crisis," he said.

President Morsi Egypt
Egypt respects freedom of expression. One that is not used to incite hatred against anyone.
 One that is not directed toward one specific religion or culture. A freedom of expression that tackles extremism and violence. Not the freedom of expression that deepens ignorance and disregards others

The fruits of dignity and freedom must not remain far from the Palestinian people," he said, adding that it     was "shameful" that U.N. resolutions are not enforced.

     President Mugabe Zimbabwe
The death of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was as  tragic as that of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens.
As we in spirit join the United States in condemning that death, shall the United States also join us in condemning that barbaric death of the head of state of Libya - Gaddafi? It was a loss, a great loss, to Africa, a tragic loss to Africa 'A HUNT, A BRUTAL HUNT'




Tuesday 18 September 2012

And it begins!

As the current situations of the world is getting worse day by day, the question hopping in common man's mind ," Is there an end of this or what will happen next " 
 I feel very regret to acknowledge you guys that there is no end of this massacre.

How could i be so sure, most of you will probably ask this question to me.

The Noble teachings of Islam made the things very clear and transparent but for those who are willing to understand them, based on Minor Signs and Major Signs before the judgement day appears 

 I would like to quote you the Holy Bible prophecies for this era.

  • The acceleration of natural disasters around the world, warning the world of the Wrath of Yehovah that is about to be poured out on earth
  • The rise of a "beast" nation - modern, prophetic, Babylon the Great - who will "devour" the other nations of the world in its attempt to establish a global empire
  • The collapse of the world's economies, resulting in revolutions, wars, rule of the wealthy elite through martial law, and the impoverishment and servitude of the masses
  • The amalgamation of nations of the Middle East and North Africa against Israel
  • The annihilation by "fire" (nuclear holocaust?) of the last great superpower nation - modern, prophetic Babylon - opening the door to the invasion of Israel by nations of the Middle East and North Africa
Please see Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38, Matthew 24

All the situations and occasions are very organized and predefined and this thing really knocked us all,
I am reluctant to involve in the upcoming events but as the time passes by we all will have to witness these events.

All the false claims of the 1st world Governments to maintain peace and harmony around the globe is a drama to diversify the thoughts of the people and their instinctive ability to think and ask.

Remember all the Religions no matter they are right or wrong are in danger
Colored map shows the population having no religion

They are working on their own mission to welcome the show stopper as It is just the beginning

Plaese Read:

Zaidi Ijlal

Monday 10 September 2012

Energy Crises In Pakistan

The current situation of the country is in front of all but it is not as it is.
It is injected in the Nations blood that we are in the energy crises with a great conspiracy under the table but the ground reality is some thing else.

The leaders are fully corrupted, they all need is  power and money by pushing back the dumb nation with their cruel and wicked agendas.
Things are not getting worse until and unless we are not turning a deaf year to these,
I am not encouraging you to fight for those or turn up the heat to abolish these puppets but to change or educate your self.

WHO YOU ARE , WHY YOU ARE  , WHAT YOU DO , HOW YOU CAN DO but DO WHAT YOU CAN to nip the evil in the bud.
